Friday, July 15, 2005

Hall Of Fame candidate

Rove's conversations with Novak and Cooper took place just days after Wilson suggested in a New York Times opinion piece that some of the intelligence related to Iraq's nuclear weapons program was twisted to exaggerate the Iraqi threat. Democrats continued this week to sharpen their attacks, accusing Rove of compromising a CIA operative's identity just to discredit the political criticism of her husband.

This is so patently Rove-like a manuever, he is guilty whether he did
it or not. It's the "crying wolf" phenomenon.

If there was a Political Dirty Tricks Hall Of Fame, Karl Rove would
be a first-ballot lock. He's Michael Fuckin' Jordan. He personifies
everything that is wrong about politics in America, I don't care
whether you're Republican, Democrat, or Silly Party.

For his body of work over a long and storied career, they should put
him in said Hall and then throw away the key. For anyone to sit here
and defend this piece of shit in casual conversation is to expose
oneself as a blindly partisan hack. I would have thought such foolish
devotion to an ideology had died with the Berlin Wall, but it would
appear that is not the case. How sad for us.

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