Monday, August 01, 2005

Bush fumbles the ball

I was pretty amused to hear Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Senate majority whip, say Sunday, "If the president recess-appoints John Bolton, I can understand why, because he's been waiting a long time to get the person that he believes is best to represent his administration at the U.N."

Freudian slip there. It's not Bolton's job to represent Bush's administration, it's his job to represent you, me, all of the United States of America. Since Mitch McConnell is a fucking moron of the highest order and probably one of the dirtiest-but-not-quite-yet-caught politicians in Washington (for the time being) who basically doesn't know his ass from his elbow unless somebody points the way and shows him how to cheat at it, it's not surprising this lil' slippy-poo should come from him.

And frankly, it's just too fucking bad Bush has to wait. Boo-hoo-hoo, pick somebody who isn't a complete tool and maybe they'll get through, you asshat. It's worked just fine that way since 1948. But nooo, Bolton is part of Bush's good-ol-boy network, maybe you noticed him behind Bush at the lectern giving him the reach-around today.

It's not like we are without representation in New York. Acting Ambassador Anne Patterson is leading the U.N. mission. And an argument could be made that she has/had more credibility there than this bum-rush Bush boy does. They won't give him the fucking time of day, nor should they. He is not supported by the American people. He is only supported by the American president, who has his own credibility issues on the international front. The U.N. knows all this. The rest of the world knows all this. Bush has made a serious tactical blunder today with his muscle-flexing machismo.

Maybe if Sen. George Voinovich hadn't turned on the GOP, they'd have gotten Bolton squeezed through. Maybe Sen. George Voinovich is getting tired of the sleazery that's becoming more and more apparent on a daily basis from the GOP leadership in Ohio. I mean, you don't get too much more Republican than Voinovich. If he's flipped, you got problems, bwana.

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