Wednesday, October 12, 2005

More Bush arrogance

How many SC justices had never served as a judge before serving on the SC?

I don't understand how it's even possible. This is the Supreme
Freakin' Court here. Surely there are some qualified candidates with
many years of federal judicial experience available to consider,
without having to nominate someone who has no experience whatsoever.

If you argue "Well, then you'd have to fill a federal bench seat"
I'd say fine, that's the way it should work. The SCOTUS is at the top
of the food chain here. It's not a fuckin' entry-level cookie-
pushin' gig you hand out to old cronies.

What really pisses me off here is Bush's arrogance. He's in the middle of a shitstorm behind the FEMA thing, so what does he do? "Trust me," he says. Trust YOU? I trusted that bastard in 2000 when I voted for him. I trusted him to be a conservative President and control spending. Instead he's blown up spending more than any President since FDR. I trusted him about Iraq. More bullshit. It never stops with this guy. And now he has the gall to say "Trust me."

He's basically thumbing his nose at his base. Dude? Memo: When you're in a shitstorm, that's not a good time to turn against your base, that's when you rally the base. Here's a hint George, when Ann Coulter is pissed at you and says so in public, you're not scoring many Brownie points with your base. She nails it with this closer:

However nice, helpful, prompt and tidy she is, Harriet Miers isn't qualified to play a Supreme Court justice on "The West Wing," let alone to be a real one. Both Republicans and Democrats should be alarmed that Bush seems to believe his power to appoint judges is absolute. This is what "advice and consent" means.

Good for you Ann, you finally said something that didn't make my ass itch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A majority of the Justices of the Supreme Court were not judges before their appointment.

the man widely recognized as the best justice in history, John Marshall, wasnt a judge before his tenure